The ability to travel anywhere in the world is something Britons increasingly take for granted. Extensive limitations on travel has made leaving the West Bank for Palestinians an almost impossible task. Jordan has become their stepping stone, but it is an expensive one. Increasing Israeli restrictions
The use of a pseudonym, nom de plume or alias is an often romanticised aspect of literary history. They are traditionally associated with tales of plagiarised works or female authors in male-dominated societies. But what pushes a writer to hide their identity in the 21st century?
Foreign investment in developing countries is viewed as a fundamental responsibility of the world’s economically developed countries. The principles are supposedly grounded in moral and pragmatic reasoning; aimed at alleviating global poverty and the billion plus people still living on a dollar a day. If we
Every year Israel arrests and persecutes up to 700 Palestinian children in military courts that lack fundamental fair trial rights. Some 94% of them are held in pre-trial detention without bail, according to the Defense for Children International - Palestine (DCIP). The Human Rights Watch also